Comprehensive HIPAA Compliance with Dedicated IT Support

Spend less time worrying about HIPAA violations, and more time helping your patients. Bring all your HIPAA compliance efforts into a unified, customized program with our full-service solution.
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Create a Compliance Solution that meets and exceeds your needs

We combine first-in-class HIPAA Compliance software support through The Compliancy Group with our dedicated IT service and support to give you a seamless HIPAA compliance package. All your compliance, audit support, and IT needs in one place. That is the HIPAA Complete. Solution.

Contact us to learn more about our HIPAA Solution IT services.
Unlock the benefits of synchronizing your Compliance and IT services and support for a seamless experience. By leveraging the expertise of a reliable IT support company, you can effectively reduce expenses, optimize time utilization, and enhance your business results, thereby gaining a distinct competitive advantage.

For small, mid-market and expanding enterprises, alleviating concerns regarding IT management becomes effortless with the collaboration of an ideal IT solution company. This guarantees comprehensive assistance and reassurance throughout your IT journey.
Simplify HIPAA Compliance and Management with Built-in IT Service and Support

Simplify HIPAA Compliance and Management with Built-in IT Service and Support

We overlay the best HIPAA compliance software available onto our IT networking and support technology, so they work together as a single package that is customizable to your unique organizational needs.

We get your IT networking and IT support services to work seamlessly with your HIPAA compliance program. We offer:

End-to-End Managed IT

End-to-End Managed IT

Fully managed IT services refer to outsourcing all aspects of an organization's information technology needs to a trusted third-party provider. This comprehensive solution covers everything from network infrastructure and data security to software maintenance and technical support. Opting for fully managed IT services is considered the best choice for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, enabling them to allocate resources towards strategic initiatives rather than day-to-day IT operations. Furthermore, fully managed IT services provide scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt quickly to changing technological needs without the burden of infrastructure investments or personnel training. Ultimately, by leveraging the expertise and experience of a managed IT services provider, organizations can streamline operations, reduce costs, and achieve greater overall efficiency.
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Business Continuity and Disaster Recover

Disaster recovery plays a crucial role in safeguarding organizations and individuals from the devastating impacts of unforeseen events. Whether it's a natural disaster, a cyberattack, or a system failure, the ability to recover and restore operations quickly is paramount. Effective disaster recovery measures help minimize downtime, reduce financial losses, protect critical data and assets, and maintain business continuity. By having comprehensive recovery plans in place, organizations can ensure the resilience of their operations, restore services, and mitigate the potential long-term consequences of a disaster. Overall, investing in robust disaster recovery strategies is essential for minimizing disruptions, preserving resources, and ensuring the long-term viability and survival of any organization.
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Business Continuity and Disaster Recover


Managed cybersecurity refers to the outsourced and comprehensive approach of safeguarding an organization's digital assets, networks, and systems from cyber threats. It involves the proactive management and monitoring of security measures by a dedicated team of experts. SAR Technology Group employs a range of tools and techniques to detect, prevent, and respond to security incidents effectively. SAR Technology Group provides services such as 24/ SOC team (MDR), Endpoint Discovery and Remediation (EDR) , intrusion detection, threat intelligence, security patching, Security and Incident Event Management, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), 24/7 monitoring to name a few. By outsourcing cybersecurity management, businesses can benefit from the expertise and specialized resources of experienced professionals, ensuring a robust defense against evolving cyber threats while allowing internal teams to focus on core business operations.
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Email Security

Email security is crucial in today's digital age where communication largely relies on electronic messages. With the growing prevalence of phishing attempts, malware, and data breaches, protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of emails has become paramount. Robust email security measures involve implementing strong authentication protocols, such as two-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access. Encryption techniques ensure that email content remains confidential, even if intercepted. Additionally, anti-spam and anti-malware filters help identify and block malicious emails, reducing the risk of users falling victim to scams or downloading harmful attachments. SAR Technology Group works with industry leaders to ensure email integrity, safety and reliability to ensure customers and their data is are protected.
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Email Security
User Management

User Management

User management extends beyond the basic IT support commonly offered by most companies. The advent of the digital era has brought forth numerous challenges for organizations and their users. Today's workforce is dynamic, heavily reliant on diverse technologies for their daily tasks, and constantly exposed to a wide range of cyber threats. At SAR Technology Group, we go above and beyond by offering comprehensive support tailored to our customers' specific requirements. Through the application of industry best practices and automation, SAR excels in handling support requests, delivering training and education, and delivering exceptional customer service to our valued clients.
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Vulnerability Scans

Vulnerability scanning plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of computer systems and networks. It is a proactive approach that helps organizations identify and address potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By conducting regular vulnerability scans, businesses can stay one step ahead of cyber threats, protecting sensitive data, intellectual property, and customer information. These scans provide valuable insights into system weaknesses, misconfigurations, and outdated software, enabling organizations to take prompt remedial actions and implement robust security measures. Ultimately, vulnerability scanning enhances the overall security posture of an organization, reducing the risk of data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. In today's increasingly interconnected digital landscape, the importance of vulnerability scanning cannot be overstated.
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Vulnerability Scans
Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are an integral part of any organization's decision-making process and play a crucial role in ensuring safety, security, and sustainability. By systematically identifying and evaluating potential risks, businesses, governments, and individuals can effectively mitigate threats and make informed choices. Risk assessments help in anticipating and preparing for potential hazards, whether they are related to financial investments, operational activities, or public health crises. They enable proactive measures to be taken, reducing the likelihood of accidents, financial losses, or reputational damage. Moreover, risk assessments promote a culture of accountability and responsible decision-making, emphasizing the importance of considering potential consequences before taking action. In a rapidly changing world, where uncertainties abound, the significance of risk assessments cannot be overstated, as they provide the foundation for informed and resilient decision-making.
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Infrastructure Support

IT Infrastructure Support refers to the comprehensive assistance provided to ensure the smooth functioning and optimal performance of an organization's information technology infrastructure. It encompasses a range of activities, including network maintenance, hardware and software management, server administration, security implementation, and user support. IT infrastructure support teams play a crucial role in resolving technical issues, managing system updates and upgrades, monitoring network performance, and ensuring data integrity. Their expertise enables businesses to operate efficiently, minimize downtime, and address IT-related challenges promptly. By maintaining a robust infrastructure and providing timely support, IT professionals empower organizations to harness the full potential of technology and drive growth in today's digital landscape.
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Infrastructure Support

Your One-Stop Solution to All Your HIPAA Compliance Needs

We get your IT networking and IT support services to work seamlessly with your HIPAA compliance program. This gives you the confidence to prioritize serving your healthcare customers instead of worrying about where the cracks are between your HIPAA compliance and how your IT system is implementing it.

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Become Compliant, Receive The Seal of Compliance

The Seal of Compliance is the best tool to display your HIPAA compliance.

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